
Rules of Use

  • P Card info is at UF Procurement
  • Single transaction limit – The amount one single charge cannot exceed. Ours is $2,000.
  • Cycle limit – The amount that can be charged in the weekly cycle (Wed through Tue). Ours is $10,000.
  • Purchases cannot include sales tax if in Florida or with vendors with UF agreement (eg Amazon).
  • Can be used for travel costs (flights, car rentals, gas for business travel, etc)
  • Cannot be used to purchase food or drinks
  • NEVER EVER EVER use for personal use. There is no “I’ll payback the University for this”. This includes putting gas in a personal vehicle, even if it’s for work travel.
  • When you’re leaving UF, cancel your pcard by just emailing them (pcard@ufl.edu) on your last day, and they will have you shred the card yourself.

Getting a PCARD

  • You need to go through pcard training. This involves watching a number of videos.
  • Step 1: Go to myUFL, then navigate to My Self Service > Training and Development > myTraining. To search for the PCard courses, click in the Activity Search box, then enter the appropriate course name or number.
  • As a PCARD holder, you will need to take the following courses: What Every PCard Holder Needs to Know(PST975), PCard for Travel (PST076), PCard for Commodities (PST077)
  • When you finish your training fill in the Cardholder agreement and the top part of the PCard Application. Daniel Deep (or somebody else in the WEC office) can fill in the department section. The completed forms go to the PCARD team at pcard@ufl.edu.
  • Processing should take a few weeks to a month. You’ll get an email from the PCard office when it is approved. The PCard will be delivered to the WEC office.
  • You may need to go in and specifically ask for it.
  • Once you receive the card, activate it and set a PIN:
    • Call 8882338855
    • Your account number is the credit card number
    • Your “Verification ID” is 0 followed by your UFID
    • The phone number associated with the account is 352 392 1331.
    • This information is in the email from the PCard office that tells you your application was approved. You won’t get a separate piece of mail with a PIN.

General Info

This section is for general info commonly needed for PCard Purchases

  • Billing Address: University of FLorida, PO Box 110430, Gainesville FL 32611-0430
  • Billing Phone Number: 352-392-1331.
  • PCard are now Chip and Pin cards, so you may need your PIN when using the card in stores.
  • If you use with a PIN, the vendor may ask for a p number/project code/somesuch thing. You can just say the name of the project it’s for, it’s not a specific value.

Using the Pcard

So you’re taking the big step and actually going to use the PCard. Not to scare you but the PCard is a big responsibility and the University takes using them correctly very seriously, so make sure to follow the flowchart below!

  1. Are you making an item purchase (i.e. an object like a keyboard, paper, etc) or a travel related purchase (i.e. flight, registration, etc)

Item Purchase: Jump to Step 2

Travel Purchase: You need to also have a Travel Authorization submitted so that the travel costs can be associated with the travel approval. Go to the Travel Authorization pages and follow those instructions. Before proceeding to step 2.

  1. Are you in a store or buying on the web?

Store: Jump to step 3

Web: Make sure that the site is not going to charge you sales tax. If it is you must stop immediately. There are other ways of purchasing from online vendors. If the vendor is on myUF Market (found on myufl) then you can follow these guidelines

Otherwise, talk to Ethan or Morgan about purchase orders through the department. If you are still making your online purchase, billing address can be found under general info. Proceed to step 4.

  1. You are in a store. Are you in Florida or out of state?

Florida: The University of Florida is exempt from paying sales tax and gets irritated about paying it. You need to make sure you have the tax exempt card with you so the store knows not to charge you sales tax. You should have received a card with your pcard but if not you can get one here . Show them your card and proceed to step 4.

Out of State: Stay calm and carry on. Sales tax charges are ok if purchases are made out of state. Proceed to step 4.

  1. I have my thing, now what?

You have three, yes 3, days to submit your receipts to WEC. Email the receipt and the following info to Dan Deep at WECFiscal@ifas.ufl.edu.

  • Date:
  • Vendor:
  • Items:
  • Project:
  • Amount:
  • Benefit to project:

You can either take a picture of the receipt and email it with the info or hand everything in on paper to Dan Deep. Also include the receipt in the UFReceipts Dropbox folder.

If you are traveling, I would recommend taking a picture as soon as you get the receipt in your hand. You don’t want to lose receipts. Trust me.

If you are traveling, make sure you include the TAR # for your trip iin the email. This can be found in myUFL -> Main Menu -> My Self Service -> Travel and Expense -> Travel Authorizations -> View.

If you buy fuel for a rental car, you need to include the rental agreement number in the email.

Did you lose your receipt? Sigh. Proceed to step 5.

  1. Uh, I lost my receipt.

People will be unhappy with you but it is not the end of the world. You need to fill out this form
The form requires your supervisor (Ethan or Morgan) to sign it. You will receive the stank eye from a variety of people. You will survive.

  1. I took longer than 3 days to submit my documentation

If this happens (and it inevitably will), let Glenda, Morgan or Ethan know.

Temporarily increasing purchasing limit

It is possible to temporarily increase the purchasing limit on your card if needed. To do this contact your budget manager (brandieseay@ufl.edu, Cc’ing the relevant PI) to get approval and then send the following information to Dan Deep (ganderindan@ufl.edu).

Cardholder Name:

Cardholder UFID:

Business Unit (4 digits):

Vendor Name:


What is being purchased:

Business Purpose:

Fund Code (3 digits) :

Has your budget manager approved this expense (yes or no):

Justification for why a PO can’t be done:

PCard Approver’s Name: Dan Deep